Harvard Free Courses

Learn on your own time....

Anywhere anytime, start learning today 

I have made a special selection of courses for free so you can contiue to learn and earn certificates from world-class experts at Harvard University.* 

Topics range from ~

1. Art & Design

2. Computer Science

3. Business 

4. Data Science

5. Education and Teaching

6. Health & Medicine

7. Humanities

8. Mathematics

Many platforms launched free courses for learners in India. 

Their Global community has launched free courses for everyone in this time. This special selection of courses from world-class experts are free now for everyone with free certificate. 

Start Learning by selecting a course from the wide range.

Important Date ~ 

There is no last date of any course, learner can enroll in these courses any time.  


Anyone who is interested in gaining a free certificate by attempting a quiz can apply for the same.


There is no time limit for the quiz, you can complete the quiz as early as you want.

Mode of Learning ~

All these courses are online you can learn by using your laptop or cellphone. 

Achievement ~

Learner will get the Certificate of Completion by the end of the course. 

Benifits ~

There is a huge list of what you can get after completing these courses, some of them are as under ~

1. Flexible hours
2. Free Certificates
3. Good Source of Knowledge
4. Basic to advance level courses
5. No need to go anywhere as all of them are online courses. 

and many more.....

 To apply ~ click here


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